Request for more precise video search filters

Hello Fitness Blender team - one nit that I have to pick (I'm otherwise a big fan of FB) is that filters aren't precise enough for when I'm searching for a specific type of workout. Most noticeably is when I'm looking for a video with No Equipment -- even when I select the No Equipment filter, it will still give me some workouts that require weights in parts of the routine. Sure, all the videos it returns may not require equipment IN PARTS of the video (like ones that mix HIIT and weights together), but sometimes I just want no equipment straight through the whole video, like on days I'm taking a break from weightlifting .... Same thing happens when I want a HIIT only workout or a Strength Training workout ONLY - if I just want to do weights that day and I only select weightlifting in the filter, it will still give me options that include some HIIT or cardio segments along with the weights. ..... So I'd like to request 'ONLY' options under the Training Type and Equipment filter categories selections so I can more quickly and accurately find HIIT only or Weights only workouts that don't mix them together. .... Hopefully that makes sense to everyone?

