Alternatives for bent-over exercises

A few years ago I had an MRI and found out I had a herniated disc (L5 S1), which I guess explained my occasional back pain. Turns out a large portion of the population has disc herniation without realizing it. Fast forward to today, I can no longer do any bent-over exercises because they aggravate my lower back pain. I've had to quit deadlifts, bent over rows, triceps kickbacks, and a bunch of other stuff that puts pressure on my back, and I'm even too nervous to do stretches or exercises with no weight that involve bending over. Unfortunately, that means I have to come up with a lot of alternative moves while working out with FB. Sometimes I'm not exactly sure if my alternative move is really targeting the right thing the right way. With physical therapists on staff, would it be possible to release a video showing appropriate exercises for folks with back pain? In fact, there are people with other ailments (e.g. bad knees) that would benefit from more specialized routines or a series of routines. I've seen videos for pregnancy and sciatica pain recently so maybe something similar to what I am proposing is already underway. I know it would be much appreciated as many of us are 50+ and tend to have more physical issues as time goes on.