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Two New Articles About Rest, Relaxation, and Letting Go

This week’s article theme is all about rest, relaxation, and letting go. 😌

Our latest free article — The Importance of Rest for Productivity — explores the concept of rest, its benefits, and some practical tips for adding more time for rest within your life. True rest is intended to be a reprieve from the physical, mental, and emotional demands of life, and is proven to improve productivity and mental wellness. Read on to learn more about rest and how to better incorporate it into your life. 

Our FB Plus article is The Surprising Benefits of Giving Up, Letting Go, and Thoughtful Renunciation. Giving up may not sound like a good idea, but there are times when letting go is the best thing we can do for our mental wellness, and it can actually be empowering and a sign that we recognize and honor our limits. Read on to learn about how giving up material objects, negative thought patterns, unhealthy relationship behaviors, and unfair expectations can lower your stress.