My goal is to keep moving

"It’s a slow process. Don’t make it slower by quitting."

I really need to remind myself of this lately.

More insomnia and low energy for the first part of last week. Since childhood, my body has never dealt well with stress, and it seems more so as I age. My chiropractor helps me with this occasionally. This time it was an underlying feeling of sadness that I couldn't explain....then the insomnia set in. It turns out I was grieving the loss of normalcy in my life (heck, in everyone's life!). Once I realized this I could let go and sleep returned.

I decided not to complete Strong 2. It was becoming an inner struggle, pushing it back to the following week, again and again, which frankly I don't need. For now, no more planning a workout schedule only to reschedule or remove it altogether. I'll chose random strength training videos with FB on a day to day basis along with my yoga practice every morning.

Someday I hope to be able to complete a program or even a two week challenge. But that's for another time.

I have to figure out what my "normal" is for now and work with that.

"The key is to keep coming back."