All the videos?

Has anyone completed ALL the VIDEOS?

Lately, I've been trying to get through all the videos--or at the very least, all the short videos. Everything under 45 min, for example, since there are fewer than 600 of those. I've only been at it for a year and I know some of you have been here for much, much longer.

I can get through up to 5 distinct videos in a day depending on what I pick (1 warm up, 3 workouts, 1 cool down). It seemed like I could focus only on videos I haven't done, and manage to get through--basically--a lot of videos in one year. If I can get through 10-20 in a week, that's only 30-60 weeks until I do all the existing ones--and only 30-60 new ones would be added by then anyway!

Here's the rub. I'm starting to run out of videos in certain categories. As you can imagine, I've done just about every single warm-up/cool-down video. I believe I've done all of the flexibility videos. I've completed most of the pilates and barre routines. I can already see "the end" of the upper body strength routines.

On the other hand, there seem to be an infinite amount of lower body videos: HIIT, strength, core+lower...

It feels like I'm going to have to start repeating a lot more videos soon, and end up with new videos only on leg days. That means no way can I "catch up" with all the videos in 1-2 years.

I assume if I were to buy multiple programs, I'd run into the same thing--only so many warm-up/cool-down/stretch videos available.

How are you approaching the situation?
