Not exactly a newsflash but.... !!! some really dangerous 'fitness' stuff out there!!

I just had to say this...

I am just so amazed by some of the 'fitness' content that is out there outside of FB. I know this is not exactly news but today it just really hit me full on hence this post.

So, I love everything here on FB, (of course) although I also use some other sites for various things. This seems to have the unwanted side effect of me getting ads for various other sites. I was mindlessly clicking away today and came across a '7 day HIIT challenge!!'

7 day HIIT challenge? hmmm, now luckily having been educated here by Kelli and Daniel and you good people I know full well that HIIT is a 2/3 day max thing. Decided to explore though just out of curiosity, to find it was 6 days back to back of HIIT followed by 1 day stretching. Repeated for 4 straight weeks.

Oh and the 'warm up' was 30 seconds of marching.

Seriously there is so much ineffective stuff out there but the amount of dangerous stuff sometimes amazes me.

Just so glad I found FB all those moons ago. Seeing that 'challenge' this morning just made me pause and be thankful for what the FB team do. Honestly pre FB I would have thought great I will do this..!! team my joints are grateful to you

Happy Friday to all