HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group January 28th

Happy Friday Blendfriends!

Can you believe it is the last Friday of January? Time is flying by. I am feeling a bit lost for words as my brain is quite tired from the week. It was productive, but I am ready for the weekend.

Thankfully today is my recovery day. I stretched with Daniel for 30 minutes and then directly after, I did my yoga video for the day since it was only 10 minutes. She had her dog with her in the video and it was really cute.

I am hoping to finish early today and get a few things done at home while I am still feeling motivated (meaning before I sit down on the couch!). I need to defrost the freezer and clean the fridge. It seems like a good time since both are pretty empty. Afterward, the evening is mine. I might start the puzzle I got for Christmas.

What do you have planned for the day? I hope it is more exciting than mine! Feel free to share or just even say hi.