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New Guided Meditation: Loving Kindness for Stress Reduction

Today’s new guided meditation with Candice focuses on feelings of love, compassion, and acceptance. 😌

Try it here on FB Plus: Loving Kindness Meditation for Stress Reduction

In this 10 minute guided meditation, you’ll learn the basics of loving kindness, which include noticing and grounding with your breath, connecting with compassion, and offering kindness and love to others. This practice also involves visualizing ourselves and other people feeling deeply happy and at ease.

If imagining yourself feeling great seems a bit foolish, consider the fact that your amygdala (one of the primary structures involved in emotion) really doesn’t know the difference between feelings that arise due to external or internal circumstances. Our brains and physical bodies can respond to happiness regardless of whether it seems to be coming from the outside or the inside. Isn’t that extraordinary?