Perspiration Pals 19 January 2022

A little bird told me it's Christine's birthday so I called Mr. Elba to get him to wish her a happy birthday. I also took a picture of him. Here he is. Happy birthday, Christine! 🎂🥂

Hello there Pals! How are you?

I hope you’re not ill especially with what we lovingly call ‘the plague’. I started reading a new book a couple of days ago, thinking it would be great because it’s set in Dublin (I used to be an Iromaniac. I still love Ireland but now it’s more like a slow burn.) but it soon turned out that it takes place during the previous pandemic… What a to do! Should I go on reading…? Anyway, let’s move on to today’s topic. My colleagues and I were talking about language learning during lunch yesterday which gave me an idea about what to ask you today.

I remember reading an article about language learning and exercise. Participants were split into two groups: half studied vocabulary in a foreign language while riding a stationary exercise bike while the other half studied the same vocabulary while remaining still. When tested, which participants managed to remember the vocabulary with more accuracy? It’s not a trick question. 😊

So what’s scheduled for today? I’m going to do Day 9 (as far as I can remember) this evening. Maybe I should ask someone to hold up flashcards with French words while doing those pulses with Amanda. Although the flashcards should include some swearwords too… I’m joking. I already know quite a lot of French swearwords.

According to the mini lifebook in my head, it’s Pretend To Be A Spy Day. Anyway, must go now to drink my vodka martini. Have an easy day, Pals!
