Yesterday "In the Kitchen" weekend Recap 1-10-22

Good Day FB Foodies.

Sorry for the late start. We were binge watching "The Queen's Gambit" over the weekend and had to finish it up last night. Slept in a smidge. Hopefully you had a fabulous weekend yourselves.

Friday's Dinner was a fritata omlet. Andouille, onions, bell pepper, mushrooms and pepper jack cheese with bit of avocado as well. Yummy.

Saturday smootie in the morning and off to a clients for computer issues. Lunch was a simple salad witlh various greens and such. That after noon I made a sourdough focaccia with garlic, parmesan, black olives, bell peppers, smoked sea salt and black pepper. Fresh rosemary and oregano out of the gardens rounded off the flavors. Dinner was leftover borscht with some focaccia with avocado on top.

I bet you are wondering where is the sweet poatato. Well, I went to use it Sunday night for a dish I was going to make, and, wouldn't you know it, one of them went bad. It was purchased only 6-7 days before. So, I had to switch gears. With only one sweet potato now, I gathered all othe other leftovers in the fridge and decided what we could make. Storm wanted to use up the sauerkraut with sweet potato anyway on another dish, so, we got the following:

Diced and sauteed sweet potato, the rest of the andouille sausage, bell pepper, white onion, mix greens and sauerkraut. Some garlic, smoked sea salt, black pepper, ground garden sage and thyme rounded out the seasoning. It came out great.

So, what did you have going on "In the kitchen" this weekend. Were you able to do something with sweet poatato? Share with the rest of us your fabulous creations. Have a blessed and prosperous day!
