Finally getting back to working out for the right reasons

Heeeeello!! So this is the image of my calendar this week, which will seem ridiculous to some people.. For me, it's a huge accomplishment! I 've been struggling with not only working out but generally moving my body, these last 2 years. I 'm not very motivated generally and definitely not disciplined. I 've asked for advice here and I got some great responses, but nothing worked because I just didn't want to try hard enough. I spent an unnecessarily big amount of time worrying about everything, getting stressed and doing nothing other than sitting or laying on my bed, wasting my time on social media and Netflix. I was so worried about getting the vaccine and its side-effects, which consumed me. Then I got the vaccine, I had some side-effects so I spent the next days reading everything about it and stressing over it, out of fear of it damaging my health. And then it hit me:I 'm worrying about the vaccine, but what am I actually doing in favor of my health? The answer was "nothing". I had already let myself go, I made all the wrong choices and spent my time in misery and self-pity. I stumbled upon a great interview, about how it is beneficial for us to become used to getting uncomfortable; how motivation is overrated and discipline is key. Since that day, I started doing the exercises for my knee tendinopathy, which include squats and some other strengthening exercises; I kept adding exercises and decided that it was time to stop babying myself, over analyzing and convincing myself that I am damaged beyond repair. My arm stopped hurting, I feel calmer, somehow optimistic for the first time after a very long time and I feel energised (not fully yet, but I 'll get there). I realized how much important it is to get used to feeling uncomfortable and feel ok with that, as I had become so self-absorbed that I kept nagging to everyone around me and didn't want to push myself hard at all, which kept me from achieving any of my daily goals; I came to realize that getting uncomfortable is self-love too. Life is not about getting comfortable, it's about living it, moving, appreaciating it, as best as you can. I felt like a sick person for a long time and I hope that if I get into that trap again, I will open my eyes and get up again. I 've also quit coffee for good, I deactivated my Facebook and Instagram accounts, as it was damaging me a lot!! I don't work out for my body image anymore (although my dream body is welcome, I won't say no to it 😆), but for my physical and mental health. A member asked me to post on my progress, in one of my posts asking for advice, so here I am! If you made it this far, thank you and sorry for the big post! 😆

Stay strong everyone!

P. S. I 'm not implying to bypass our issues, but rather to look at them and actively try to cope with them and maybe use them in our benefit. I also know how hard it is to do things for your health when you feel depressed and unable/unwilling to do anything, but that's when we need it the most, and doing it instead of thinking about it and dreading it, is very helpful.