Yesterday "In the Kitchen" Thursday 12-16-21

Hello fellow FB Foodies.

Hope your day is or has gone well. Drizzling morning with the last of the overnight rain. Last night "in the kitchen" was to leftover or not to leftover kind of night. Well, it ended up being half and half.

We had leftover roasted beet and the roasted veggies from the other night. So we did the right thing and incorporated them into the meal. Roasted beet, red, onion and spinach salad, basmati rice with turmeric and leftover veggies, pan seared salmon. Turned out pretty yummy.

What was going on "In the Kitchen" at your home? I see Sharon you got a pick of your wonderful loaf. Congrats! Looks great. Post and share with the rest of the class.

Have a blessed and prosperous day!
