Let’s talk bra band size - help, is it growing muscle!?

Hi fellow blenders!

I’m just looking for some reassurance from people in the know when it comes to muscle growth and body recomp.

So, I’ve been working out consistently for 2 years, mainly strength training. I don’t weigh myself (because scales are evil) but I do take measurements. My goal is less body fat and more muscle. All my measurements during that time have gone down, hips, thighs, waist etc. Today one measurement had gone up and I’m trying not to freak out (numbers sometimes do that to me)….my bra band size! My cup size is EXACTLY the same but the band size has gone up one….I’m freaking out this is increased body fat but my logical brain is telling me this is not the case. My overall top size, like my cup size has also stayed the same and not increased.

Can someone please clarify if an increase in pectoral and back muscles could then increase the band width of your bra…and that this is not actually a bad thing but a sign of building muscle!!

Thanks all!!!
