Daily Check-in: Friday, November 19th

Good Friday to you, Blenders!

How are you all doing today? How'd your week go? Are you looking forward to the weekend?

I hope all is well with you, and that you have a nice weekend ahead of you!

Did you guys catch the lunar eclipse last night too?

I'm afraid I did not. It was cloudy and snowy, and I slept right through it. (Which is also why I didn't respond to you guys yesterday--I kinda fell asleep on the couch. Sorry bout that!) But if you did catch a glimpse of the eclipse, was it awesome? Tell us about it!

Ok Blendfriends, let's talk a bit about today, shall we? What does your Friday have in store for you? In life? In workouts? In food and nutrition?

For the most part here, I'm hoping for a quiet, 'normal' day! For workouts, I'm not sure if I'll do any today. Yesterday I did Daniel's posture workout paired with an older FB workout of bicep and tricep work using a resistance band; and that really wore me out.(here's the links to both workouts if interested: https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/upper-body-strength-to-improve-posture-home-bodyweight-or-dumbbell-posture-workout https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/16-minute-bicep-and-tricep-super-set-workout-resistance-band-exercises ) I'm surprised at the burn that the resistance band workout caused in the arms. I feel like it's one of those 'hidden gem' kind of workouts--highly recommend it!

As for today, I may just call it a rest day and not do much.

As for food, I'm not sure what we'll make. That's to be determined.

Finally: a pic! This is of my twins. My Maisy (on the left) and my Bailey (on the right). Even though they aren't technically twins, they're the same age, they look very similar, and are quite attached to each other. I love them so much; they're such sweet babies.

Alright, Blendies, that's it for me this week! Make sure you stick around this weekend to check-in with Karen and Coby!

Otherwise, I'll catch you all again on Monday!

Thanks so much for checking in with me, and have a great weekend, Blenders!

Take care!




***Note: These Daily Check-in posts are open to anyone and everyone who wishes to participate! All are welcome here! These check-ins are a way to stay motivated, accountable, and be supported as we all try to be our healthiest selves. Feel free to pop in and say 'hi' anytime, and post as much or as little as you wish! No prerequisites here! Feel free to add photos if you want as well! Whether you need advice about working out/eating well/life in general, just want to comment, or maybe need support during a hardship--we're here for you! So: Welcome to the FB Family, and to the Daily Check-ins! We appreciate you being here!***
