Tough times


Ive been silent for a few weeks again, I failed to continue with FB30 R4 and Fundamentals challenge. I still have tons of work to do and the most urgent lab work had to be prioritised. I finished the lab work today and I gave myself a big pat on the back for completing this grueling task. Ive been on my feet days and days, and Ive noticed my posture suffering and getting real achy. Today was one of those days, and I treated myself with a nice stretching session right in my office in front of my colleague. I could tell I needed it badly. Couple stretches afterwards Im able to stand up like a human being again, yay!

Im still at the office, though Im not starting any new work, Im exhausted and I leave in half hour! Now I can enjoy all kinds of writing and data analyses, until January when my experiments will begin (yay, more kab work!). I seem to be relatively well caught up with my work, though my advisor is a man of surprise and can spring something up on me and Id be like, whats going on? Am I behind again and how is it possible?

Oh well, such is the life of an academic. Can any of you guys relate?

Thank you for reading this little rant of mine and I hope you have a good day!
