Yesterday "In the Kitchen" - Thursaday 11/4/21

Good day fellow foodies.

Hope everyone is having a fantastic day. A little raining here this morning. Which we are very grateful for. Yesterday Storm was busy "In the Kitchen." She made Salmon dip for dinner. We use it to stuff mushrooms and bake them. I stuffed a bunch of crimini with the dip, made up a seasoned bread crumb mixture (topping) with garlic powder, three belnd pepper, smoked paprika, sage, parsley, and a smidge of Asiago cheese. Bake them for 25 mins and they were delish.

It was Storm's first time making the dip (I always had before). She did a fantastic job. Now she has another recipe in her arsenial. So what did you have going on "In the Kitchen?" Was it just another boring day, or, did you stretch your culinary boundries? Post up and lets see what you got. We are all learning and growing together.

Have a blessed and prosperous day!
