HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group November 4th

Hello everyone.

Note to self!

"Sometimes I wake up and have to remind myself: THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH ME. I have patterns to unlearn, new behaviors to embody and wounds to heal. But there is nothing wrong with the core of me and who I am." - Yolo Akili

How are you doing today?

Tomorrow I will visit the local animal shelter to see if I can volunteer there, cats only 😻 Because of the location, I will be dependent on my brother to bring me. I hope this won’t become a problem, with the shelter wanting me to work on a certain day, when my brother can only take me there on Friday. I’ll see…

I found a big box in the attic that contained old toys. It was like going back in time. I even found one of those tattoo chokers that were popular in the late ‘90s. Not sure if I would be able to wear one today, I’m sure they’re not very comfortable.

I also received my copy of “The body keeps the score”, which I hope will give me more insight about trauma & the body.

Exercise for me was cycling and I will do yoga after posting this. Focusing on the psoas muscle right now. (Edit: or not. 15 min into yoga and my body says NO.)

I wish everyone a sunny day. 🌞 Anyone is very welcome to post here!

(Picture of a cat I spotted on a walk yesterday, soaking up the sun.)
