Posted in: Workouts / New Releases

New FB Plus Workout: Circuit Style Lower Body Strength with Cardio Bursts (Part 2)

Good morning FB Family!

I had so much fun filming today’s workout release:

Circuit Style Lower Body Strength with Cardio Bursts (Part 2)

This workout is a follow-up to the original workout with the same format but different exercises for a little extra pizazz. Your lower body muscles (including your glutes) bear the brunt of the effort but don’t neglect total body muscle recruitment! There is a little balance work sprinkled throughout the workout with plenty of opportunities for you to focus on straightforward, good ole-fashioned lower body strength work with deadlifts, lunges, and squats. Challenge yourself with your weight selection for the Strength Circuits and challenge your pace with the Cardio Bursts.

If you need a little extra time warming up before you begin the workout, Kelli’s 20-Minute Butt and Thigh Workout – Glute Activation Workout is a great way to wake up your lower body muscles.

I’ve been thoroughly enjoying the prep for filming these workouts! Running in and of itself is one of my all-time favorite activities, but I also use running to improve my breathing rate while instructing you all on-camera (so that I can talk and demo at the same time). And yes, this does involve me occasionally cheering myself on (out loud) while running. Outdoors, on the treadmill, within earshot of people, it doesn’t matter I still talk to myself, haha.

I hope you enjoy the workout! I even included a little Bear Crawl action for some nostalgia.

See you on your screen,
