Little progress + Things that I realised.

Hello guys. My progress in pics doesn't look much. December to April. 2-3 kg loss. It's mostly other stuff I wanted to share.

First time in my life I maintain healthier eating habits and exercise for 4 months. Had 2 weeks with 0 workout completes but overall I was working out 3-5 times per week. Mostly 3.

Things I realised during this time:

1. No matter how many plans and deadlines i set for me, nothing worked. I was too impatient to see extreme results and getting disappointed. Only when I came to just thinking day by day, meal by meal, I found peace with myself and my thoughts. Every meal I make I just try to make the healthiest choice, but never force myself to eat stuff I don't like. When I want something of a cheat, I have it. Some days I eat much more than I should cause of whatever reason, the next day I try to compensate with better choices.

2. Some days I was thinking I must workout but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Especially if there is HIIT involved. So I tried to focus on strength training that I enjoy and commit to just do it! Without expectations. Before I would think why bother do this upper body only burn 150 calories, nevermind it. It was all or nothing for me. That is soooooo wrong. It just keeps you back. It's one more excuse to not do stuff.

Now with strength training I start the workout and a lot of times I feel I need more cardio so I add it accordingly. I just pause after a set and do it. Before I would skip the workout on the thought it has cardio and I didn't feel like it.

3. Never go hungry guys!!! The instincts and old habbits to just eat anything super calorie packed will come back to life!! I never go anywhere without carrying at least 2 fruits on my backpack. I hate being out and hungry. Just food smelling from every where... I feel like a zombie out for brains. It's uncontrollable. And I get pissed and hate myself when this happens. When I let myself go hungry, i end up eating something I honestly don't want to eat at that specific time.

Just do it!!! Don't think ahead! Don't wait for results to be happy. Every day is a day of our lives. Make every day a good day for you. Focus on the little things that bring you joy.

Don't spend too much time on social media. Don't compare with others. Spend that time on yourselves.