HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group September 2th

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” - Albert Camus

Hello everyone.

I asked if it was OK if I started the thread in yesterday's HKS, I hope I am not interfering with Toasty here.

So here I am. As it has just turned September, I thought this was a fitting quote. The picture added is my favorite plant, Google tells me there are several names for it in English so I'll stick with the Latin name: impatiens glandulifera. They are “persona non grata” (though plants, not persons, but hey, I haven’t had a fancy education, I don’t speak Latin) since some years because they are “invasive”, but I love them.

I am still stumbling through my days, every time I wake up in the morning or in the middle of the night I get a reminder that my life is such a mess right now, and I’m like “what has happened?!”. I am keeping to my yoga sessions to keep me somewhat sane. And trying to take the advice of taking it one day at a time. Trying to look at the little things: yesterday I spotted a cat lying on the roof of a car, totally relaxed. Also trying to read more as it was something I used to enjoy much more when I was younger.

My mom got the book with all the messages people wrote at the funeral. I am hesitant to take a look at it but will try to do so on a quiet moment.

What are you all doing? Are there plants that mean something special to you? Feel free to share what you want, whether it's good stuff or sad.

I wish you all the best day possible. 🌼