Obsessed with working out and trying to eat clean

Hey everyone,

So this topic has been weighing on my mind lately. I struggle with either not caring about exercise and eating well at all, or obsessing over it and thinking about it all the time. I’m struggling to have exercise and healthy eating be a part of my life and not be my ENTIRE life. I want them to just be a part, but I always end up thinking about it all the time, to the point that people will comment on how much I talk about it. I will be constantly either reading stuff on FB, or looking up articles and YouTube videos about weight loss, health, etc. Help! Has anyone else experienced this? How do you guys make healthy habits a part of your life, but not your obsession or the most important part of your life? I don’t want to be defined by how much I exercise and what I eat. There is so much more to life! So, I would really appreciate advice on how to change my mindset/habits in this area. Thanks ❤️
