HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group August 3rd

Good Tuesday morning blenders! We hope to hear from you today, everyone is welcome to add to this thread 🙂

I came across a quote that made me put into perspective my weight loss journey:

« The last thing to grow on a fruit tree is the fruit. »

I’m sure we have all faced a project or set a goal, personal or work-related, that demanded resilience, consistency, perseverance and patience. I lost all four somewhere along the way these past few months. And now I’m taking baby steps to get back in the right frame of mind.

My right arm finally doesn’t hurt anymore this morning, so I will start the Flex challenge today. And it will be a superb sunny day here, so the plan is to go for a walk as well. Looking forward to reading about everyone’s plans and successes today.

I should get my day started, but it’s hard to move with Loki sleeping in my lap. I’ll give this moment of rest and peace a few more minutes.

Have a wonderful day everyone!