Feeling proud 😁

For many of you on the HKS accountability group you may have already seen my struggles of being able to consistently workout within the past few months mainly due to my body suffering from extreme fatigue as a result of chronic pain. This month I decided to get back into the workouts but instead I've been focusing on yoga and flexibility as this is all I can do right now. As you can see there are many beautiful green ticks on my calendar this month and I am super proud of what I have been able to accomplish 😁!!!!! At the end of the day something will forever and always be better than nothing and I have focused on improving my flexibility as this is what my body is capable of doing at this moment. I have also seen changes in my overall mental attitude and becoming more calm so there's been amazing improvement in my mentally.

I feel like this is a good time to thank the entire FB team for encouraging us to live a healthy lifestyle but also make sure we're not killing our body to achieve it! If I never came across Fitness blender in 2019 I probably would have been reckless and just pushed my body through an intense HIIT workout which definitely wouldn't be the right thing to do now. Instead I'm here being greatful that we have an amazing team of people encouraging us to be smart about our health and wellbeing and I'm glad I joined this community 2 years ago 😁.

Tonight I will be doing my final yoga routine of the month and I'm looking forward to those flexibility gains!!! 🧘🏻‍♀️