Physical Therapy Day 12

Hello Blender Peeps! I hope everyone is doing well.

Today is was my second to last day of physical therapy. I feel a sad because they have helped me out a lot and all the people there are cool. I'm also happy because I'll be going knowing that I made a lot of progress and things have changed since I first started. I don't know if i ever mentioned this but when I first started physical therapy I was seriously doubting it. I was honestly afraid that I was going to spend the six weeks with no changes or things getting worse. I'm really happy I came to the FitnessBlender community and asked you all about it. Thank you again to everyone who gave me all the advice and corrected me for even doubting physical therapy. It's crazy how much we doubt something before trying it just to be wrong about it (not all the time though) later.

My therapist did say that in the future if I feel like I'm plateauing (is that a word?) or need some more help or thing worsen I can always go back which will be very helpful. Although my insurance says otherwise. The limit to my visits is only 16 and Friday will be 14 for me. That sucks. I'm sure there's a reason for that I'm just not sure what it is but it is frustrating to hear. I'll see what I can do about it and hopefully I won't need more physical therapy since it's helped so much. I hope things continue to improve and I get more help as I go on so I can be able to do more in my life. I'm still pretty limited but not as limited if that makes sense.

I do have an appointment with that specialist I went to who gave me those pills (if anyone remembers my rant on that) and I'm going to advocate for myself and ask as much as I can and get as information and see who else I can go to. If he can't help me I'll figure something else out on my own with help from my mom as well. She's often looking up things on YouTube and asking friends and co-workers for advice on this too. So a HUGE thanks to her. Also, my little sister who always stops me from doing too much so I don't worsen anything. She's always looking out for me.

Well anyway nothing new to really say. I did the usual exercises and will continue to slowly work my way back into working out. If anyone has video ideas on what I could do feel free to share. Low impact stuff please.

Thank you for reading! Have a Blessed day!