HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group July 15th

Hello everyone.

“For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

A quote about anger today because I’ve been so frustrated and hot-tempered this week, I could compete with John McEnroe. (Though my frustration turns inwards – I’m not yelling at people or throwing with stuff.) A short kickboxing workout yesterday helped only a tiny bit. I posted in the PP thread yesterday and am still recovering from what happened Tuesday. But a bad night because of a creaking roof hasn't helped.

Little anecdote I wanted to share here because I was quite proud of it: last weekend, I was at my parents’ as my mom attended my niece’s birthday party. She visited my dad straight after and when she came back, I heard her getting “caught” by a neighbor with a LOUD voice who is always interfering with neighbors, giving them unsolicited (probably well-meant) advice. I knew my mom was very tired, and when I heard that this lady kept talking to her, I walked up to them. She: “YES, MOMMY WILL BE THERE IN A MINUTE!” (um, I’m a 30-year old woman, not a toddler running towards my mom crying because I hurt my knee…). I ignored her and said “Mom, grandma’s on the phone.” It was a straight up lie (with the risk of sounding like Holden Caulfield, but I’m a terrific liar), but it saved my mom from a longer conversation. She was glad I had intervened as this neighbor can be overbearing, even though she means well. I was shaking a bit because walking up to a loud-talking stranger (I’m actually a bit scared of her) is something I’d rather not do.

Ah, there is the lawn mower again. I wondered already, where’d it go? Topped of with music and someone yelling into a microphone somewhere. Really, there is continually a wall of sound. I do really take the advice of today’s quote to heart, don’t I? 🤪😭

Ok, what are you doing today? As always, everyone's welcome here and I hope you have the best day possible.

PS. Teppie made me laugh yesterday as I was getting my bike ready. He followed me, climbed into a tree, rushed out of it and ran up to me again. Photo are two red cats (still the best cats, IMHO) I came across last week, having a meeting. Socially distanced! Cats will save us 😊