HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group June 29th

Good Tuesday morning blenders! How is it the end of the month already?!

To be honest, I am disappointed in how I haven’t reached any of my goals in the past 29 days. It’s true that I have struggled with sleep at times and that has affected my energy level greatly, but I haven’t even kept up with other non-exercise goals that I set for myself. And since I am at heart a goal-oriented person, a list-maker who gets great joy and a sense of accomplishment from checking items off my lists, I feel like I have lost myself a bit this past month. As the quote I chose today says, I have to remind myself that I am not the sum of what I do, but rather of who I am.

I hope you are happy with how your month of June has gone. And what have you got planned on this next-to-last day? I plan to combat this heat as best I can 🌞🥵 and I hope you do too, if you are dealing with a heat wave.

Enjoy your day everyone!