Just keep on going!

In 2014, when I still went to school, I have discovered FB for the first time and instantly fell in love. Almost every day, I worked out with their free workout videos, lost 14 kg and hadn't been bullied for my weight since then. Even though I was still not the skinniest, I really felt confident and loved my body and newly gained strength.

Two years later, when I started to study, I did not really had the time and motivation to work out. I not only gained more than 15 kg but also lost the loving mindset towards my body. After several different approaches to lose weight, for instance by counting macros and calories, I also had the feeling that food became my enemy.

I took another 4 years to come back to FB since I urgently needed some activities for the lockdown at home. Today, I realized that working out (also with dumbbells) and intuitive eating are not only the key for losing weight (15 kg!) but also for happiness. The attached picture also shows what one year of healthy exercising (not over-exercising) and unrestricted, but mindful eating can do with your body! I further learned to love myself again and re-gained my confidence.

With this, I really hope that some of you are motivated by this post :). What I really like to emphazise again: Don't be encouraged by taking only small steps in the beginng and don't be too hard on yourself if you don't see the expected results. What I also had to learn is that starving yourself or over-exercising won't bring you far but only leaves you unhappy and frustrated. All in all, I am really happy that I re-discovered FB and changed my lifestyle for good!

How can you motivate yourself?
