HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group June 17th

Good morning or afternoon (or evening), depending where in the world you are.

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou

Not sure if this quote has not been used somewhere in the previous months, as I remember some quotes by Maya Angelou. I wanted to share this one, as it’s something that's especially dear to me lately. I have experienced kindness and understanding from people as I’m navigating through this… well, what should I call it… I also had to deal with people who didn’t seem to care or understand how I’m feeling and who made me feel lousy. A friend keeps going on and on about whether I’ve planned my vaccination already (I have), as if that's my main concern right now, but does not ask how my dad is doing. I stopped responding because I need my energy for other things. Anyway, what I mean to say is: it matters how you make people feel. Time trying to make someone you care about feel heard is time well spent!

There was some wind blowing here this morning, which was very welcome (it has been around 30 ℃/86 F here), so I went for a walk. When I came back there were a few teenage boys hanging around the entrance of my building. As I made my way through, I heard them use “cancer” (here, a lot of people use it as an adjective or adverb (not sure which term is right), sort of an alternative to saying “very”. I almost turned, wanting to tell them to watch what they were saying. I do swear myself, but I’ve never used “cancer”. As there are many people who have been in touch with the disease, I don’t think it’s OK to use it like that. Anyway, I didn’t because I didn’t think it would have a positive effect.

As for my dad, he is still in hospital and my mom and brother will have a meeting with (a) doctor(s) this afternoon. Still very worried. I have no idea how the coming days will look like. My parents have their 40-year wedding anniversary this weekend and it’s unclear how we can celebrate this as a family in this way. My hospital appointment yesterday went well, my brother could accompany me because of my diagnosis, which I was very glad of.

Now on to something positive; I took some photos on my walk and came across these roses (I love wild roses, as they smell so good). I’ll add a photo of a bumblebee and some sheep too. Noticing nature and animals brings me good energy and I know there are many people here who love nature too so I hope you like them.

So... Are you melting away too because of the heat? Sticking (maybe literally…) to lighter exercises or doing a hard workout? Any good food? Or something else you want to share? Everyone is welcome here to do so 🌞

Wishing you all the best day possible.
