HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group June 14th☂️🌿

Hello Blender friends, wishing you a good start to the week.

I woke up this morning a little later, it rained in the night, and is there any sound better for a deep, restful sleep? This morning the world smells wonderful, and my horizon is a kaleidoscope of greens : the trees are just a little bit more vivid and the grass just a little bit more lush, which is what inspired me to choose the quote above. All my little container plants are looking refreshed, and I can trust that my community garden is, too. I love planting just before a few days of rain.

Having risen a bit late means I won't be doing my workout this morning. But it's Day 1 of the Reach challenge, so it won't be hard to find time later for gentle stretching.

As for food, I've made yoghurt overnight, and will be straining it later for greek-style (so good with rhubarb compote!), and that will give me the whey for sourdough bread a little later. Lunch will probably be hummous-cucumber wraps again, and maybe kale salad with chicken tonight, we'll see.

So what does the day hold for you, dear friends? Any favorite workouts on your calendar, a nice walk, a dip in the water? Will there be ice cream? Let us know :) And of course please know that all Blenders are welcome here, feel free to chat with us, or just hang out.