FB Fit R3 - Day 15 Complete!

With blechy weather and mood, today's workout with Kelli was a mood-booster. Her cheerfulness was a godsend! :)

The workout is a mix of cardio and strength intervals with a Pilates burnout at the end. Instead of doing it straight through, started with the warm-up, switched to the EC for better glute activation, then went back to the main workout.

The intervals were a mix of HIIT/cardio exercises, bodyweight strength training done as cardio, and traditional strength training. The cardio portions were challenging enough, even though less intense than HIIT, and targeted strengthening the legs quite well. The jump squats and burpees had to be modified to accommodate injury - about halfway through the workout it seemed like there were a few too many of them, lol! ;) The strength training in each interval was fun, as usual, mostly targeting the glutes, since the cardio exercises targeted other leg muscles.

Overall, the workout was a nice mixture of training styles, and only started to feel a little cumbersome in the last 2 intervals before the burnout round when the tracking bar seemed stuck below the halfway point for what seemed like ages. The relief of reaching the Pilates burnout round was short-lived about halfway through the first 30 count inner thigh pulses near the end, haha! ;)

It was a slightly longer workout than the body's endurance handles well at this point in injury recovery, so tomorrow's shorter UB strength training is something to look forward to. :)

Hope your week is off to a good start - happy blending, everyone!