Friday Quote and More Appreciation

We share this sentiment often, but we’ll keep repeating it, if you don’t mind.

Think of it this way—you should be exercising throughout your entire life. Your. Entire. Life.

Sometimes we lose sight of the best reason of all to exercise (and eat healthy food)—to be healthier. Exercise makes us healthier. Exercise makes us feel better. Exercise makes us more capable. Exercise gives us more confidence. We could go on.

The best way to stick to any routine, and that certainly includes exercise, is to find something you love. If you enjoy yourself, it seems a lot less like “work” and you’re more likely to stick with it for the long-term. Did you happen to read, “Transforming a New Fitness or Nutrition Routine Into a Long-Lasting Habit?"

We are committed to helping you in your fitness journey; and one reason why we provide such varied content is because everyone is different. Hopefully you can find what works for you, something you enjoy, and something that you can sustain over time.

P.S. Our entire team is still beaming from this week’s release of Tasha’s first workout videos. We are so happy that she has been warmly received, and we know that she will quickly become an FB Family favorite. Not only are her exercises fantastic, but she wrote the article above too. Multi-talented, she is.