FB Fit - Round 3

I completed my workout for today. It was just all upper body strength workout and even though the workout was longer my arms were still feeling it on some of the exercises that I was doing along with Kellie in the video.

Even though I still pushed myself through the workout my arms were shaking on some of the exercises because of how hard they were.

I even had to lower the weight on some of the exercises because I was lifting too heavy for certain exercises that I was doing, but I was still building muscle in my arms. I didn't really do anything much at my dad's house this week I think that the only thing we did was we went shopping a couple of times to go and get a few things from Walmart.

Other than that we didn't really do anything fun because I couldn't think of anything fun to do well actually I did think of something fun to do. But all the fun things I wanted to do it was too hot outside to play the games that I had in mind and if I did wanted to play them I would have loved to play them with my friends. Sadly that didn't get to happen at all this week at my dad's but there's always next time when I go back to my dad's house.