Posted in: Workouts / Goal Setting

Push-up group: June Goals

Hello all,

sorry, I have been absent from posting weekly on the push-up training. Life just got in the way. This does not mean, I abandoned my training. I just think, going forward I will only post once a month - setting goals for the month, inviting you to join (with your own training goals) and then reviewing the month when we set next month's goals.

So here is my personal push-up training plan for June. After I received my PT for my shoulder and neck problems and my shoulder being pretty much healed completely now, I am slowly getting back into training full push-ups, which is humbling. In June, I will receive my Covid vaccination, so I left some space for recovery.

Thus my goals for June are:

Train for push-ups on 12 days in the month

Train full push-ups once every week

I am not setting myself any numerical goals per training session, I will give my best every session.

I am still going for my overall goal of being able to do 10 full push-ups with good form by Christmas. I am currently able to do 2 (and 8 inclined push-ups) with good form.

Hoping by the end of the month for 3 full push-ups in a row and being back to 9 inclined push-ups in row.

What are your goals? How will you train for your push-ups?

May report in comments below.