Listen to Your Body and Be Wide Open to Feedback

Fitness Blender family,

Here's a thought to take with you into the weekend—no matter what type of exercise you’re doing, “be wide open to feedback, and listen to the messages that your body sends.”

This might mean that you need to modify what you’re doing, but this will help you give your body what it needs, what it can handle safely, and what is

We put out two new videos this week; have you tried them yet?

✦ Free: Resistance Band Butt and Thigh Workout

✦ FB Plus: 45 Minute Total Body Strength Workout - Upper & Lower Body Superset Strength

Monday, we’ll be releasing another new FB Plus workout—a Pilates Combo Flow routine. And we’re finalizing our FB Plus Challenge for June—FB Reach. And we’ve got a big surprise for you coming up soon. Can you guess what it is?