Daily Check-in: Thursday, May 6th

Hello Blenders! Happy Thursday (or Friday depending where you are in the world) to you!

How are you all doing today? How's life in general?

I hope all is well!

Since it's Thursday, I figured it was time to revisit our weekend guest hosting schedule that Miss Raven so thoughtfully put together last week!

This is what we have so far:

May 8th & 9th: Alexi

May: 15th & 16: Coby

May: 22nd & 23rd: Shabnam

May: 29th & 30th: CK B

And if something changes, please let me know! We'll update this, no problem! Thank you to all of you who have volunteered to host weekends! And if you are interested in ghosting a future weekend sometime, please speak up! We'd love to have you!

Ok, now with the weekends being planned out, let's talk about today!

What's in store for your workouts today, Blendfriends? Or is it a rest day for you?

I'm on Day 4 of the Strong & Lean Challenge: https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/fitness-blenders-5-day-challenge-strong-and-lean-day-4 It's a combo of upper body, cardio, and some extra stretching. That'll about do it for me!

And what's on the menu for today, Blendies? Anything good?

I should always answer this question with a permanent "I dunno", because I virtually never know what I'm going to be making in advance. So count today as yet another one of those!

Well that's all I got for ya today, Blendfriends!

Thank you so much for checking in with me, and take care!

Have a great day!




***Note: These Daily Check-in posts are open to anyone and everyone who wishes to participate! All are welcome here! These check-ins are a way to stay motivated, accountable, and be supported as we all try to be our healthiest selves. Feel free to pop in and say 'hi' anytime, and post as much or as little as you wish! No prerequisites here! Feel free to add photos if you want as well! Whether you need advice about working out/eating well/life in general, just want to comment, or maybe need support during a hardship--we're here for you! So: Welcome to the FB Family, and to the Daily Check-ins! We appreciate you being here!***
