Perspiration Pals 2 May 21 πŸ‘©β€πŸ”¬πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈπŸ˜Ί

Hi Ppals! Happy Sunday!

I wanted to combine my love of cats, science and exercise but I wasn't sure what type of reaction I would get 🀣. So I went with Lillie cat's advice and made the cat center of attention 😻. That is how many of my workouts go. I start out exercising and then Lillie starts rubbing against me or sitting right where I need to be and then looks annoyed at me so the cat does become the center of attention.

I am getting a head start posting this as it is around 10 Saturday night here but many of you are hours a head of me so it is already Sunday for you. Some times I am of a bit of night person and if I waited till later on Sunday to post it would be Monday for many of you so here I amπŸ₯³.

I hope you are all having a great weekend. It was beautiful here today, a great day for a walk followed by coffee with a friend outside in what we call the park outside the coffee shop-it is a grassy area in the parking lot.β˜•πŸŒžπŸž

I goofed up my exercise schedule this weekend by missing Friday's workout so I rescheduled.βŒ› That is fine but next week will be a bit off kilter since my scheduled rest day will be Tuesday and I try to keep it to Sundays. Oh well, mixing things up is good for my brain. I don't think of myself as a scheduled person but I guess in this case I am since like to start a program on Monday so the rest days fall on Sunday and the workouts fall into a pattern.

I also goofed up my meal planning I wanted to make pancakes with strawberries this evening but that didn't happen, so on Sunday I'll make pancakes with strawberries and do a 40 min workout instead of having a rest day. πŸ“πŸ₯ž

So tell me about your day. Is it going as you planned or are you being flexible as I am and switching your exercise and meal plans around.

We welcome everyone in these threads. Please feel free to pop by to say just a hello or more, if you'd like. We'd love to hear from you. If you choose to be a silent Blender today, we hope you get the support you seek. Take care. πŸ€—
