HKS (Heathly, Kind, Support) Accountability Group May 1

Happy late start to this Saturday Morning Blendfriends,

Thought for the Day:

"The Universe is always giving me subtle messages to awaken, but it is only in stillness and in silence that I can fully receive."

So happy to get up after the sun has risen rather than before. My subtle message this morning was the Abs Challenge will have to wait another day because my body needs to stretch. So I am going to start the day with the following:

My first week at work outside the home went well but was exhausting. Lots of energy from other people that I am not use to and using muscles groups in ways I do not do on the farm.

I will be watering the orchard, planting plants and harvesting mullein today. All at a very slow and relaxed pace.

What does this beautiful Saturday have planned for you?

Everyone is welcome, please say Hi and let us know how you are doing on your fitness journey.

Some pictures of kittens for Toasty and Lara. They are not very good because the kittens would not sit still.

Peace, love and harmony


P.S. More pictures below.
