Yoga for depression

Recently I read some posts from community members struggling with depression.

I'm an introvert, and the pandemic hasn't changed too many things for my husband and me. We're both retired and have lots of interesting things to do on any given day. And I'm used to being alone and I like it that an extent.

But this past Wednesday, covid-depression hit hard. The day was half done and I was growing more and more upset and frustrated.

So I decided that maybe a short yoga session with Adriene would help (I really wasn't in the mood for hiit or cardio or lifting weights).

I found a 15 minute video "Yoga for depression".

As soon as I heard Adriene welcoming me to the mat, my eyes teared up. I needed help.

But by the time the 15 minutes were over, my whole outlook did a 180!!

I was happy, energized and ready to tackle the rest of my day.

My calendar this week is yoga with Adriene and some cardio (walking and spinning). That's it. Next week will be the same. As much as I love, love, love strength training, I think this temporary change of pace will do me good. In fact, I'm considering Adriene's 30 day Power yoga calendar...(since January I've done the Breath and Home calendars).

And my latest milestone? I can now do a vinyasa all the way down to my belly nice and slow, whereas before, I'd get half way down and then flop to the mat. 😄

I thank FB Flex for that!!

