This made me think.

Hi everybody! I never ever wrote anything for any community, but today I found this post on LinkedIn and it really made me think, and I thought it would be a good one to share here for motivation and in general for a self mental health check. I never had major health issues cause - thankfully - I’ve always been active and ate a mostly healthy diet. I’m from Italy (born and raised) and I moved to the US 5 years ago. The difference in food and lifestyle is massive. And so is the difference in working pace and expectations. This is the place where for the first time I gained weight (not too much and I’m losing it already, but still) and where my eating habits got worse and worse over the past couple years. Why? Quick, easy microwaveable food that won’t take too much time to make so I can relax after an exhausting day at work or that I can easily take with me on the go. Even better. Let’s eat outside (and good luck with that, in America). Working 5 days a week can leave little to no time to ourselves, and I don’t even have a family to care for, only two dogs, so I can only imagine how hard it gets for families. So I ended up getting up at 4:15 am 5 days a week just to make sure I had the time to workout and be with myself and have some quiet every single day. I still do. Every day. Life gets too busy and being too busy gets in the way of us living our ONE life. Food and alcohol become emotional buddies that we rely on just to have that feeling of cuddling ourselves somehow, and in no time we end up having health issues. So I took a screenshot of this post (I left the name out, for privacy) cause it’s a picture of a big portion of the American society, and it was heart warming (zero pun intended) and eye opening to read even for a workout nerd like me. Who doesn’t get stressed out at work or frustrated with coworkers or other people nowadays? So I hope this can be helpful for other people too. We have one life. Let’s never forget that.

Ps. Oh, btw, I started cooking my meals again and eating healthy 98% of the time (treats now and then are always ok) and the wine/beer consumption is almost at zero. I started being consistent again with workouts and since March 1st I lost 3 of the 10 kg that I “planned” to lose. Almost 7 lbs of 22 to lose, for Imperial people ;) It feels slow and I wish I could lose the weight in 2 weeks instead but you know what? It’s meant to happen slowly for it to be safe and ultimately my clothes fit me well again and I look and feel so much better. I gained flexibility and I’m even working out through some small injuries by modifying when needed. If anything, even this weight loss journey is constantly reminding me to slow down and respect my 42 year old, precious body. ✌🏻
