HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group April 22th

Hello dear Blenders.

"The beautiful spring came, and when nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also." – Harriet Ann Jacobs

I tend to feel better on days where the weather is friendly and think this will resonate with many people. As nature gets green(er) again, the world looks so much nicer. I love seeing the colors, the blossoms, the bumblebees. 🌸 One of my favorite moments is when the lilac starts to bloom. It reminds me of a vacation in the ‘00s in the south of France, where there grew lilacs in the backyard. My grandmother, who is a gardener, gifted my father, who is not into gardening at all, one about 13 years ago and it’s a good size now. I always stop to smell the flowers when they’re in bloom.

So, what are you doing today, rolling out your fitness mat and picking up your weights or taking it a bit more slow with stretching or a walk? Or anything else of course, there’s so much to choose from.

Active rest day here. I’ll be doing day 20 of my yoga - it’s a short session - and I’m proud that I’m still sticking to that. (Planning to go for a walk too, it’s sunny. 🌞) It feels a bit weird to mention the yoga here as it’s not FB, but of course I’m still doing multiple FB workouts a week, too. Tomorrow I plan to do a nice strength session.

I tried to coax Tep into eating a spider that was right beside him but he wouldn’t… Cats…

Wishing you strength and sunshine today.