HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group April 20th

Good Tuesday morning! After a beautiful and warm Spring day yesterday, we’ll have some rain this morning and even snow tomorrow 😡 And just as we are now enjoying grass turning green again and leaves sprouting on trees, too. The only consolation is that it will melt quickly, as temperatures will rise again.

I will again complete my workout at lunchtime. My lats are very sore from yesterday’s core workout, done with holding a weight throughout. My core is fine though.

I had a realization yesterday that I am given a great opportunity to work from home and make up my own schedule, I should not waste it in regards to how I take care of my health. It took me 4 months to realize this 🙃

And what opportunities will you seize today? Looking forward to what you make of your day 🙂

I leave you with a quote I heard this past week, that really made me think:

« If you keep looking for happiness elsewhere, it will never be where you are. »

Wishing you happiness as you are, where you are, on this day 😀
