Switching back to FB from Powerlifting

Hi - Are there any former or current powerlifters or people who are/were lifting heavy weights? I started with Fitness Blender and then progressed in weight to start a powerlifting program but due to poor form (I always push myself to much) I have back and knee pain. I want to go back to Fitness Blender but want to maintain muscle mass that I've built. Just curious if anyone has done the strength programming that was previously doing or continuing using heavy weights (or that progressed to using a barbell even with these work out). I'd love to hear your experience. Considering FB Plus or sticking with other programs like Mass and/or Strong.

I am currently doing the FB Bodyweight program mixed with my current Powerlifting program (ie heavy weights, low reps) but want to go to a more integrated and functional program like FB usually does (mix of HIIT one day, then strength the other). I'm just scared to lose some of my "power" and strength. I love FB so much, they are so reliable and I really did get strong enough to segue into more heavy lifting. I guess I am just interested in other people's experiences, and I don't want my joints to hurt anymore.