HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group April 15th

Hello everyone!

As I like to look at nature on my walks, I took this photo of "snake's head" or "snake's head fritillary", as it is called in English. I had to google that.

"To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow." - Audrey Hepburn

I thought this quote might resonate with several of you who are fond of gardening. It's hard to commit to that when you aren't thinking long-term, making plans for the future. 🌼 (Also, Audrey Hepburn was a boss so I have a preference for her quotes.)

My trust in the coming months/years has been shattered somewhat by circumstances earlier this year, and the pandemic hasn't helped to plan things. I find it hard to invest in the future because of that. And in my mini garden too. How does this feel for you right now, are you still investing in the future or are you more of a day-by-day person?

Feel free to skip this hard question 😉 What are you doing today in terms of exercise? I went for my second run this week. As a thought about not being fast enough crept into my head, I thought about this community and was able to silence my inner critic. 😎 (At least a bit.)

I'll be eating lasagna tonight 🥳 Do you have any good food planned for today?

Wishing you all the sunniest possible Thursday, enjoy your workout or your rest day.