Filming new workouts 🤗

Hello FB Family, how is everyone today?

I just finished filming some new workouts (2 shorties!) - a great note to end the day on!

I sat or stood in the same place nearly all day long, for meetings. That might sound like a dull day but it was actually really exciting - so many good things are happening with Fitness Blender and I feel like we’re right on the cusp of being able to offer so many of the things that I’ve always dreamt of. Good health is not just a physical thing, it’s a biopsychosocial project - it involves the body, mind and environment as well. My goal is to have our site be a resource for all of the various forms in which we need to tend to our health.

Regardless of how exciting the conversations were today, a good sweat felt necessary so I thought I’d share that by filming it. After dinner I’ll probably treat myself to some foam rolling and stretching to apologize to my body for all of that sitting today.

I hope you have had a great day! I hope you’re taking good care of yourself and supporting yourself with kind words. And of course, don’t forget to treat yourself to a little movement!

