HKS (Healthy, Kind, Support) Accountability Group April 7


How is this amazing community doing today!? 😊 Hope everyone is having a wonderful day! And, remember that everyone is always welcome here!

Thought of the day!

"Love yourself unconditionally, just as you love those closest to you despite their faults" -Les Brown

We usually love our family and friends, even when we know their flaws. But, we tend to be so hard towards ourselves because of our own faults. We should learn and try to be as compassionate to ourselves as we are to our loved ones! ☺️

Now, to the rest of the day! For me, as usually on wednesdays, it is a rest day! Also, we are getting our groceries today πŸ›’ So, our goodies are being restock today! πŸ˜‹ Nothing else scheduled for me today!

What about you!? Do you have a workout scheduled or are you resting!? πŸ™‚ Any other plans for the day!? Let us know!

Hope everyone is staying safe, healthy, and positive!

Happy day!