I'm struggling

I'm writing this feeling super vulnerable. Like what is wrong with me? I am about to turn 37 and for the first 34 years of my life I weighed 115. I'm 5'3. I now weigh 130.

I know I'm still in the healthy range but I'm struggling. I am a few different meds for mental health and also on birth control.

I workout 6 days a week, 55 minutes a day with FB workouts. Mainly HIIT and strength, 4 or 5 level workouts. Right now my work life is sedentary since I'm working from home due to covid.

But no matter what I do I can't lose that 15lbs. I know I should be happy with my weight the way it is but I'm not. A lot of this has to do with my super skinny unhealthy mom who barely eats and my sister who is skinnier than me and it bothers me. I have never been the "chubby" one.

I eat a lot of salads and thought this would help but it's not. I have counted my calories and eat roughly 1200 calories a day. Why am I not losing? Am I not eating enough? Or is my body happy now at 130?

I used to eat a lot lot more, and it didn't matter. The meds? The age? I just don't like myself when I look in the mirror. Logically I know I should be happy with myself but I'm just not.

I just need advice, encouragement. I'm so down.