HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group March 16th

Good Tuesday morning blendfriends! It will be another bright and sunny day here, and finally we’ll get a break from those strong northernly winds that have made these past couple of days feel like Winter wanted back in.

What are your plans on this day? My goals are to stick to my workout routine, go for a walk, eat mindfully to properly fuel my body, stay well hydrated and finish work on time again. That is a big goal of mine this week.

As I was attempting walk-downs yesterday and still not doing them right, the following thought came to mind:

“C’est en forgeant qu’on devient forgeron.”

(Literal translation: It’s by forging that you become a blacksmith)

What is something that you are currently not very proficient at that you are working on to improve? Walk-downs are one of the many things I want to get better at and it can only happen with time and perseverance.

Wishing everyone to persevere today and to enjoy a wonderful Tuesday.

And as a reminder, everyone is most welcome to jump in and add a comment or two to this thread. It’s always a pleasure to read what everyone has to say 🙂