HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group March 15th

Hello Blender friends, and happy Monday!

This weekend, I started planting seeds. It took me a while to get started, because although I planted only a dozen seeds, when I begin my seedlings, I need to have a plan, to know where I will put each one of of those, and the ones that I'll plant in the next few weeks. So, in a way, even though I have just barely planted the earliest vegetables, heat-loving peppers and eggplants, I have a garden. Hence today's quote.

If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need. (Cicero)

And, while I am happily dwelling on my future garden, let me share a little bit of garden magic from yesterday. I checked to see if my Meyer lemon seeds were alive -- the internet claims that non-organic fruit may not give viable seed. Well, one of them has sprouted a tiny root, just about 2 millimeters. I'm delighted! From there, anything is possible! I think I can make myself wait another few days, but soon the lemon seeds will join their heat-loving friends in their own six-cell pot, under a lettuce-tub dome. Julia, you mentioned you might like to plant a lemon seed or two. The best blog post I have found about this is a lovely poetical piece on a blog called Paticheri, I recommend the read even if you don't decide to plant a tree. I know a few others around here have been enjoying the arrival of spring and maybe starting gardens, so please feel free to share!

In the meantime, I will be continuing Reach. With the time change, I'm a bit sleepier than usual this morning, so I've decided to work out later in the day. We should have sunshine for a nice noontime walk, and then later I'll do my scheduled Pilates and abs -- favorites of mine, so I'm not too worried I'll be tempted to skip them. How are your workouts coming along?

As always, I want to remind all blenders that everyone is always welcome. We're happy to hear from you, and we're also happy to be a positive encouraging space for you to spend a few minutes in silence, if that's what you want to do today.
