Posted in: Workouts / Goal Setting

"Brutal" workouts

I am probably overthinking this, but I have to say, it makes me sad when workouts are described as "brutal" or "punishing" or "torturing" your muscles. I know that's simply the language a lot of people are used to using and don't mean anything negative by it, but I just don't like the implication that working out is a way to be mean to my body. I don't want to torture my legs, I want to strengthen my legs. I don't want to punish my lungs, I want to challenge my endurance.

I know Kelli and Daniel are all about working out to improve your health and feel good, not just look a certain way, and they always encourage us to listen to our bodies and celebrate small wins. Overall this philosophy is great and it really comes through in the videos and all over the website, and I appreciate everything they do. Just sometimes I don't want to hear that I'm in for a "brutal" workout or something like that--I want to lift heavy and do HIIT to get stronger and healthier, not because I am angry with my body.

This doesn't stop me from doing workouts where they use some of this language though. I recognize that's not their intention at all, so I just tell myself things like, This will be tough but you will feel great later! This is a challenge so it will help you get stronger! Anyway that's probably cheesy and I'm probably overthinking it, but I just feel better about working out when I add kindness to thoughts about my body/exercise/diet/etc.