Working out makes me feel really worthless

Hey everyone,

I don't know if anyone can relate, but most days working out makes me feel really really bad about myself... Of course there are days when I feel Relatively nice after a workout but most days, I just want to curl up and cry after finishing. I don't even know why exactly, it's probably because I feel like I haven't done enough or this whole working out thing will ultimately amount to nothing.

It gets even worse when Kelli starts talking about how great and amazing everyone feels after working out... That just makes me feel like something is severely wrong with me. On the other hand, when I train with Daniel I already start getting frustrated during the workout because he makes it seem as if it is just natural, like taking a stroll through the park, while talking about it as if he's reading from a scientific journal... (Don't get me wrong, I still think both of them are doing a great job, that's all just exaggeration my brain comes up with when frustrated and sad)

Despite that, I stick to my routine of working out every other day, but it's starting to become the worst part of my day by far and I dread it every time... Which is not what it's supposed to be like... I think.

All of that makes me wonder: Am I the only one that feels like this? Or if anyone else feels the same way, how do you cope with the feeling?